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Particle Engineering

Design the best particle for your consumer packaged good (CPG)
Design the best particle

Ingredient Selection

Select the best ingredients for your particle
Select the best ingredients

Equipment Selection

Select the best equipment for manufacturing your particles
Select the best equipment


Make the best nanoemulsion based on design
Make the best nanoemulsion


Entrapment Efficiency

Analyze the emulsification process for quality control
Analyze the emulsification process

Drug Localization

Locate the active in a nanoemulsion
Locate the active in a nanoemulsion

Taste Modulation

Modify the taste, smell, and mouthfeel of your product
Modify taste, smell, mouthfeel


Multi-Angle Dynamic Light Scattering

Analyze the particle distribution via D10, D50, D90
Analyze the particle size / distribution

Polydispersity Index

Analyze the particle deviation of the nanoemulsion
Analyze the particle deviation

Zeta Potential

Test the stability of your nanoemulsion
Test your nanoemulsion for stability

Transmission Electron Microscopy

View a nanoemulsion under a microscope
View the particles / liquid

Spray Drying

Convert your nanoemulsion to microparticles
Convert liquid to powder

Laser Diffraction

Analyze the particle distribution via X10, X50, X90
Analyze the particle size / distribution

Scanning Electron Microscopy

View a microparticle under a microscope
View the particles / powder


Test your particles for absorption of the active ingredient
Test your particles for absorption

Free Consultation